
YouTube Video Promotion


✓ Increase the popularity of your YouTube video with our Done-For-You Google Ads campaign.
✓ Boost your visibility, credibility and video rankings with guaranteed views.
✓ Leverage the Google Ad Network to help you connect with the right viewers.
✓ 100% compliant with YouTube’s TOS.
✓ Track everything directly in YouTube Analytics.

Increase the popularity of your YouTube video our Done-For-You Google Ads campaign.

The number and duration of views on YouTube are key indicators of the popularity of your music. As millions of new videos are uploaded on YouTube every day, it becomes more difficult to stand out and attract your ideal fan. Leverage the Google Ad Network to help you connect with the right audience who are interested in your music. Boost your visibility, popularity, credibility and video rankings.

How does this work?

We will set up a Google ad campaign to promote your video on YouTube, Google Display Networks & Related Partners worldwide. All we need is the link to your YouTube video.

What types of videos can I promote?

In order to be 100% compliant with YouTube’s TOS, here are the video requirements:

  • No age restrictions
  • No Adult/Nudity/Sexually Explicit images
  • No Explicit Language
  • No Gun/Drugs/Blood/Politics

*** Your video must be less than 6 minutes. ***

How long does it take?

It takes 24-48 hours for Google to review and approve the campaign. After that, it takes about 10-15 days per 10,000 views.

Will I receive a Report?

You can track everything in Youtube Analytics: (replace VIDEO_ID with your actual video id)

We recommend that you do not run any other YouTube advertising campaigns to the video at the same time as this campaign.

Is there a Guarantee?

We guarantee that we will deliver that amount of views purchased. We have no control over the actions of the viewers, so we cannot guarantee any comments/likes/shares/subscriptions.

What is the Refund Policy?

If your video is not approved on YouTube ads for any reason or if we are unable to deliver the guaranteed number of views, you will have the option for a full refund or a comparable replacement service. If you cancel the order or request a refund after submitting your YouTube video, all refunds will be subject a $25 processing fee per 5,000 views. After the guaranteed number of views have been delivered, there are no refunds.

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